Things to Know Before Buying a Home Security System

Security is something that shouldn’t be taken for granted or taken lightly, especially nowadays where crime seems to be escalating. That’s why it is also important to buy the best home security system possible to avoid becoming a victim of burglary.

Here are a few things that you will want to consider before purchasing one:

1. A lot of households have their own valuables, from jewelry to currency to expensive paintings or heirloom pieces. Have you ever thought of installing an “asset protection device”? It is designed to guard and protect your valuables from theft. It alerts you when, for instance, a safety deposit box has been opened, even in the absence of physical evidence.

The asset protection device also gives you peace of mind. For example, an employed house painter arrives at your place while you are away. Through the help of the asset protection device, you will know whether or not they tamper with your valuables.

2. You should know the difference between a burglar alarm and a home security system. The disparity is quite remarkable.

A burglar alarm is the conventional type of alarm, typically with a sensor. It is usually placed on or near doors and windows. Depending on the settings, it will alert you, your neighbors, or the monitoring center to contact law enforcement in case a burglar breaks into your house.

A home security system, on the other hand, also warns you about the impending dangers in your surroundings, such as smoke, carbon monoxide, fire, or even floods in addition to detecting any suspicious activity in your home. Although a burglar alarm and a home security system are a both great, the latter provides more benefits. Another great thing about a home security system is that it still functions even during a power outage, so you don’t have to worry about whether or not it still operates when your house suddenly loses electricity. In the end, you’ll know which of these two will make a better investment and provide better security for your home and your family.

3. Every average household is concerned about the budget and the expenses when deciding to purchase a home security system. Thankfully, because of the wide range of choices and brands, even the top rated home security systems don’t come out as being too expensive. Even if you’re on a tight budget, you’ll still be able to afford a home security system. You only have to refer to genuine home security system reviews from consumers to learn which one fits within your budget and is recommended by consumers. The reviews will help you determine which is rated as the best and worth the money, or the worst and not something they would recommend to others.

4. Not all home security systems are the same, and least of all in regards to the installation process — it can vary quite a bit. When you want a traditional home security system, you are most likely to hire professional help to install the wiring, drilling, etc.

But if you want a wireless home security system, you do not need professional installation and thus you can easily set it up by yourself. There are even apps that help you integrate with the equipment so even when you’re away, you will still be able to monitor your home. A wireless home security system can be run by batteries, Wi-Fi, or a cellular connection. There are also “green” home security systems which use the power of solar energy.

5. In applying for a home security system, it is essential that you should know your provider well, so care should be exercised in choosing one.

Most people would choose a company which has a good reputation and has been in the business for many years. Now, although you would rather choose a veteran provider (preferably with at least 10 years in the business), make sure that their products, services and equipment are updated to go with the modern times and current consumer trends.

Another thing to consider is the location between your home and the monitoring center. If you are too far from the monitoring location, it would take much longer or slower for the alarm to be transmitted. This could reduce the amount of time it takes for help to come to your house. The recommended distance between your home and the monitoring location should not be more than 250 miles.