Random Home Security System Facts

In America, a burglary occurs every 13 seconds, or about 5,400 burglaries a day. Around 66% of all burglaries are residential break-ins. And homes without a security system are 300% more likely to be broken into.

These are alarming statistics that should urge you to equip an alarm in your house. Well, not just an alarm, but reliable and the best home security system for your family. If that alone does not motivate you, here are more facts about home security system:

1. Before attempting to break in, most burglars will try to see whether or not a specific house they’re targeting has a home security system installed or not.

An extensive study by the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology in the University of North Carolina Charlotte found that most burglars determine first if a house they would like to burglarize had an alarm system before carrying out their plan. Majority of burglars are non-professional criminals, so they won’t take the risk of being caught so they would intentionally avoid houses with security system. The study also show that 60% of burglars admit that the presence of a home security system or alarm will cause them to just look for another target altogether.

2. Only 17% of homes have a security system.

Considering the fact that a burglary happens every 13 seconds, the number of houses that actually have a security system is very low. Around two-thirds of house break-ins happen in homes with no security system installed.


3. Most burglars break in through the front door.

Maybe you’re thinking they always get through chimneys or windows at the second floor, but statistics show that most burglars simply walk up the front door of houses they want to break in. Thieves prefer easy access, of course, so they would look like they’re just in for a visit. This is the number one reason why you must not overlook the importance of simply locking doors. And with the addition of home security systems, you can better deter their plans. For instance, security cameras visible at your home entrance can ward them off. Alarm monitors that can be seen through your front door will make them avoid your door.

4. Burglaries often occur during the day.

Contrary to popular belief, house robberies don’t always happen while you’re sleeping soundly in your home. Burglars attack when there is nobody home, which is during the day when you’re out at work and the kids are in school – usually at around 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. They also don’t have to worry about neighbors simply because it’s daytime. It’s great to install surveillance cameras so you can monitor what’s happening at your house even if you are away.

5. The bedroom is usually the first target of thieves.

People usually put their most valuable stuff like money, safes, electronic gadgets, and jewelries in the master bedroom, so this is the most commonly hit room. A preventative tip: Store your valuable items in a safe that’s bolted to the floor, or put them in unlikely places. But of course, burglary can be avoided if you install a home security system in the first place.

6. The cost of installing a home security system is cheaper than what a burglary may cost you.

The FBI says that the average dollar loss per burglary in the US is $2,251. That amount exceeds the cost of a typical and basic home security system. Furthermore, when you add up the total victim’s losses with expenses in criminal justice system, a typical home invasion would cost around $20,000. But still, it can’t make up for the emotional and mental toll a burglary inflicts on your family’s peace of mind. Installing a home security system would not only save you monetary and emotional costs of a break-in, but it can also help you gain discounts on home insurance as well.

7. In three out of ten burglaries, someone is at home.

We all know that not all home theft happen while no one’s around, so make sure you are armed with a working security system even when you’re at home. A survey conducted by the US Department of Justice shows that a household member is present in about 28% of burglaries, and 7% of these victims experienced some types of violent crimes. Having your own house robbed is frightening enough, but those who get to witness burglary going on inside the “safety” of their homes – and get to be hurt or tied up by the burglars – experience greater trauma.

8. Electronic home security systems are better than wired ones.

It has been found that 25% of burglars reportedly cut alarm or telephone wires in advance, making them ineffective during the actual break-in. It’s good to invest in a wireless system because it is less vulnerable to such tactics. Plus, these alarm systems are getting cheaper – they are not as expensive as you may have thought they were.

9. Only 13.6% of burglaries get to be solved.

Data from the FBI show that burglaries, although common, are notoriously hard to solve. Only 13% gets cleared by the police mainly because of lack of evidence. The recovery of stolen property is even rarer.

Home security systems are important, especially these times when the incidences of theft are continually growing. You don’t want to endanger your household, your possessions and of course, your loved ones, so, go on – know what your home needs. Read good home security system reviews. Figure out where to buy home security system that can give you lower prices at the best quality.