Tips For Using Candles Safely

A candle is a flammable wick that is embedded inflammable solid substance such as a tallow or in the wax. A candle is used to provide light but, in some cases, it is used as a scent. Also, it can be a method of keeping time or providing heat. To burn a candle, you need heat such as from a lighter or match. It lights up the wick of the candle which melts and vaporizes a small amount of wax. 

When the weather starts to get colder, people think of welcoming scents, warm and cozy homes. When people use candles at home in the fall, there are some safety risks to burning a candle at home. If you leave it burning all night, it might cause a fire. Also, if you don’t use the safe candle-burning tips, you are putting everyone at risk, especially when you have toddlers at home. 

Tips For Using Candles Safely

Setting Up 

Before you light up a candle at home, you should know how to set up the candle. For safety, place it in a well-ventilated room. There should be at least 3ft space between the candle flame and the surface above it. If you are burning multiple candles, then place them at a distance of 3-inch. It helps to prevent the candles from creating their drafts. 

Make sure that you have removed the candle from the flammable items such as curtains, bedding, furniture, carpet, paper, books, decorations, clothing, hair, etc. For safely using the candles, put the candle in a non-flammable candle holder. They are designed to collect the molten wax on the surface. 

While lighting up the candle, make sure that the nearest window or door is closed, otherwise, the gusts or drats can carry the flame and cause a fire. If you have pets or toddlers in the home, then make sure that you keep it out of reach. 

Burning Time 

The scents from the candle can be relaxing but it is important to be vigilant when the candles are burning. The maximum burning time of the candle is four hours. Before you relight the candle, make sure that it has come to room temperature. On the other hand, if you are using candles to create ambiance, then you should opt for a safer alternative. It is because a burning candle all night can be a hazard. 

The burning time of the candle depends on the following factors:

  • Size of the candle 
  • The shape of the candle 
  • Movement of air 
  • Amount of oxygen 
  • The hardness of the wax 
  • The temperature of the environment 
  • The size of the wick 
  • The material of the wick 
  • The additives used in the wax 
  • Type of wax
  • The amount of fragrance in the candle

Lighting The Candle 

To safely light up the candle, trim the wick of the candle to about 0.25inch. also, the wick should remain in the center and vertical. It helps to burn the candle correctly. You can use a light or match to light the candlewick. Use your thumb and index finger to hold the lit match near to the wick. In a few seconds, the wick will ignite. 

If you have trouble lighting the wick, then try holding the candle with your middle and index finger.  On the other hand, the durable barbecue lighters or longer matches will also work for lighting delicate candles. Spaghetti, as a substitute can be used for lighting the candles. It is because is extinguished easily and it does not burn for long. 

Keep The Candle Insight 

When there is a burning candle in the room, you should not leave it unattended. Try to keep it nearby so that the damages can be avoided. If you lit a candle in the kitchen, and then walked away, then there are chances that the candle catches fire. Also, there might be a pet or toddler who might cause a danger of burning a candle in the kitchen. So, make sure that if you are leaving the kitchen for a long time, then put out the candle. 

Safe Candle Placement 

Candles should be placed on a heat-resistant and stable surface. You should follow the safety rules as follows:

  • Read and follow the manufacturer’s safety and operating instructions.
  • Do not burn a candle at the bottom of the container.
  • Use candles only in a well-ventilated room.
  • Extinguish lighted candles before going to the bed or leaving the room.
  • Extinguish lighted candles before leaving the room or going to bed.
  • If the candles are part of a Christmas decoration or any other ceremony, then try to keep them away from the tree or flammable items. 

Extinguishing The Flame 

To put out the candle, you can use a candle snuffer. It safely deprives the flame of oxygen and ensures the flame is extinguished without splattering wax. If you don’t have a snuffer, you can use a metal spoon to extinguish the flame. Do not use water to blow out the candle. 

If you mix the cold water and hot wax, it can cause wax splatter and sometimes burns. Also, do not use a knife or any other sharp object to remove the drips of wax. It might break, weaken or scratch the glass. 

Maintenance and Candle Safe Containers 

It is important to keep the pool of the candle wax clean. The remains of the match or wicks, hair, dust and other flammable items can make the candle too hot for the container. It is prohibited to use plastic containers because they can melt. If you are using a glass container, then make sure that it is not cracked. Improper containers can release hot wax and release fame. 

When the flame is not contained in the container, the risk of fire can increase considerably. To protect the container and area around the candle, you can cut the wick to 1/8 inch before each burning. 

Flameless Candle Alternatives 

Many safe alternatives mimic the flickering glow and their pleasant scent. Electric candles and night lights provide a soft light in rooms. On the other hand, oil diffusers and reed can quickly disperse the scent throughout the room, even without the heat. Some battery-powered or electric candles come with remote control. You can control them easily by turning them on or off, adjusting the light, etc. 

Candles Safety – Tips and Tricks

Candles can be a great source of light, heat, and scent. In winters, people tend to light up candles to have a relaxing and pleasant mood. Nowadays, most candles are used for scent. As a safety tip, you should put out the candle before going to sleep. Other safety tips will help you to keep everyone safe in the house while using the candles. Firstly, you should place the candle on a heat-resistant and stable surface. 

While the candle is burning, keep in mind the burning time. It will depend on the composition of the candle through a single or various waxes. Also, when the candle is burning, keep it insight because the toddlers or pets might be hazards near the burning candle.